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trust and quality
  • Always on time delivery
  • More than 700 professional writers available
  • 24/7 support of friendly agents
  • Free unlimited revisions

Plagiarism Free Guarantee

When you place your order with the website essayleaders.com you can be 100% confident in the originality of the paper you will be provided with. Plagiarism is totally prohibited in our company.

Once we receive the order from you, the first thing our support team is required to do is to check the instructions for the assignment. We take a good care of our customers and make sure that every order is properly processed. It is an obligation to assign the writer which is the most suitable one for the instructions and requirements you provide us with. We have a database of more than 3000 writers; more than 900 writers are currently working on the orders.

Once the work is completed, it is checked through our own plagiarism detection system which is unique and was designed by our IT department. In case we find a high % of similarity in the paper, we force the writer to review the work and send it one more time, but cases like this one happen very rarely, almost every paper passes our plagiarism detection system. After the work is checked, it is delivered to your e-mail and uploaded to your personal area. We have to admit, that the only plagiarism detection system that gives 100% accurate results is turnitin.com, but we are not able to use this system since it copies the content of work to their database and if you personally decide to check it again there, it will show 100% similarity index.

On our website essayleaders.com we offer such services as: writing from scratch, editing, re-writing, and proofreading. If you decide to order re-writing, editing or proofreading service, you are responsible to provide us with the plagiarism free paper; the writer will not be responsible for the plagiarism detected in the paper, since it was not completed from scratch by our company.

We do not keep a database of the completed papers. Once the work is completed by your writer, it is delivered to you right away. It is not possible for any of the third parties to get an access to your original completed work. We do not resell the papers as well as we do not provide you with the pre-written papers.

We will gladly assist with any revisions if needed. In case you need any adjustments to be made in the completed paper, you are welcome to submit your comments and the writer will proceed with the revision for you. We offer unlimited revisions which are free of charge. If you have investigated any plagiarized parts detected in the paper, you may feel free to submit the plagiarism report to us and we will revise your work for free. Please, mind that we only accept plagiarism reports from either turnitin.com or your university.

Essayleaders.com is one of the first top companies on the market today which provides the best quality papers written. All the members of our support team perform their best skills and abilities to fully satisfy you with the great service. We will be more than willing to receive your comments and suggestions regarding the services we provide in order to serve you even better!